
About Me

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I'm 25% French, 75% English but 100% Australian! I try to make the most of life and have as much fun as possible. Hoping to become a beauty therapist within the next year and I love chocolate!

Thursday 2 May 2013

How to: Live with unpredictable hair

Hello people,

I woke up this morning and continued along with my little routine in the bathroom and when I looked into the mirror, I literally saw a lion!! My hair was that poofy not all of it fit in the mirror view! Some days it isn't like this but the majority of the time it is. It's not that I have curly hair but not straight hair either which makes it really hard to deal with, I have spend time (and damage) straightening or curling it or I have to put it up in a braid or a bun, neither of which I particularly like. 

On some very lucky mornings I wake up and my hair is almost completely straight or has nice waves depending on the humidity but here's what my hair looks like straight after brushing it on a bad morning:

All poofy and frizzy!!!

I've tried SO many different de-frizzing products and absolutely none of them worked and even the shampoo and conditioners I have used hasn't made a difference! Now since I heat style it on some days the ends of my hair are becoming a sort of grainy feeling and just not very healthy while I am trying to grow my hair so it really isn't helping in the growth as I am having to have hair cuts often :(

If anyone is reading this, please let me know what your hair is like and if you have/had similar hair to mine, what do you do it to make it liveable with!

1 comment:

  1. I re-bond my hair at the salon every 6 months to a year so it is dead straight and doesn't need any styling or maintenance excpet for a quick brush!

    PS: I'm hosting a Suigo hair pack giveaway; hope you enter:
